Earthly possessions of a Moss Ball and love of cafes
Today I will be going over what's in my bag!
From top to bottom: yellow sanrio pouch to hold toiletries, sunscreen, keys, lip ointment, headphones with crocodile cord protector, fish pouch to hold headphones, advil, small nail clipper, rose lotion, rose and aloe face spray, wallet, tissues and receipts, sunglasses, cinnaroll compact mirror, kirby libra lotion, bubble wand, lens wipes, daiso bandaids, cotonelle wipes, pads, watercolor tissue there's always tissues and receipts in my bag!. . .(´ω`。)
In my free time I like to try different coffees and pastries that are available. I tend to like coffee that is flavorful and sweet. Lattes are my favorite, I always get them with oat milk because I am lactose intolerant. I can only make drip coffee at home right now, so getting espresso outside feels like a luxury! One day I would love to make my own espresso, have a little home cafe~ maybe decorate a corner with cafe paraphenelia and sip my drinks contentedly.. ahh the dream... ~( ˘▾˘~)
photo taken at a bakery in midtown
I always want to go to cafes to draw with friends but it's hard to schedule events like that sometimes due to work/life obligations. The joy of filling up your sketchbook while sitting with friends who are also drawing is wonderful. I'm almost done with my current mixed media sketchbook so I might make a new one soon. Book binding is really fun! you can customize your books however you like~
This week I have been reading:
The story of seeds : from Mendel's garden to your plate, and how there's more of less to eat around the world by Nancy F Castaldo (lots of pictures, a slim book, easy to carry on the train or bus )
Hakumei & Mikochi : tiny little life in the woods. Vol 3 by Takuto Kashiki (I love the anime, so I decided to read the manga!, the cover art is gorgeous)
The light eaters : how the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on Earth by Zoë Schlanger (this one is kind of dense and boring, it's more about scientists and the drama around the biology than the plants.. too bad because I just wanted to read weird plant facts)
The rain helped cool things down a bit, but it's still quite humid and hot out. I'm so relieved it's Friday, this was a long work week. I can't wait to take some time to relax and crochet while watching something chill. I ordered a tamagotchi Pix, I can't wait for it to come in the mail. ^-^ Anyway, I've got to get to my swimming class, it's my second one! Wish me luck and take care~